Our Activities

OUR ACTIVITIES: Yoga – Art – Music – Dance – Songs


At the preschool, the children practice yoga for up to 30 minutes twice a week.

Yoga for preschool children can help them develop body awareness, strength, language, good listening skills, cooperation and powers of observation.

Yoga teaches the children about nature, their environment and it gives inspiration to their imagination. They learn by playing, singing, moving and storytelling.

Yoga poses are the basic elements of the yoga practice. Yoga poses help children build body awareness and a positive body image. It helps children to build fine motor skills, coordination, muscle control, balance and endurance.

Yoga helps with self-awareness, children who practice yoga learn early on to tune into their bodies. Self-esteem is boosted as the children gain control over their bodies and minds.

In class, the children are asked to do poses based on nature. They might assume the poses of a snake, a dog or a tree. They are asked to imagine what it would be like to be those life forms. In this way, the children learn to connect with all life on the planet.

Children can easily follow the teacher’s instructions by learning the names of different body parts, their locations and function. As children learn the names of the poses and movements, they develop a yoga vocabulary. They can use their yoga poses to play games, take on the qualities of different animals or use their imaginations to make up stories about animals on a farm, climbing on a mountain or trekking through a jungle. Their yoga improves very quickly.

Children experience many of the same physical benefits adults do from practicing yoga. Yoga strengthens them and helps them to become more flexible and coordinated.

Benefits of yoga for children

The games and various poses develop children’s flexibility, strength, balance and posture.
The relaxation part helps children to understand how to relax the body.
Yoga helps to balance children’s energy level.
Many of the yoga poses and games give children a better understanding of how their bodies work and move.
Develop awareness of the senses.
Strengthen their concentration.
Build social skills by working together in yoga poses and games.
Yoga helps the children to pay attention to each other, through making them more considerate of others. Children become more considerate of each other through poses and games that require them to pay attention to others.
Invite the children to invent poses and movements and display them to each other. This helps them gain self confidence and discover creativity.

Bright yogis studie yoga in Allerød:


Our teachers and assistants are inspired by our monthly theme to develop different art activities for the children. These range from painting, craft activities, model-making, and much more.


We have various instruments at the preschool from different parts of the world and once a week the children do rhythm exercises and sing songs while playing an instrument and experimenting with different sounds and tones.


This is a time to move our bodies and learn dances from different styles and for different children’s songs. Dance takes place once a week in the afternoon.


Every morning, we have circle time when the children learn new songs, learn the date and talk about the weather, the season and the month, among other things.

We sing many different songs and here is a small sample of what we sing during circle time:

Good Morning Song

Good morning, good morning and how do you do?
Good morning, good morning, I’m fine how are you?
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday (repeat one more time).


What’s the Weather Song

What’s the weather, what’s the weather
What’s the weather like today?
Is it sunny, is it cloudy, is it rainy out today?
Is it windy, is it snowy, is it hot or cold today?
What’s the weather, what’s the weather
What’s the weather like today?
It’s …… (point to the window and say what the weather is)


Hello Song

Hello, hello and how do you do?
Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome
Hello Kristine, hello Kristine.
(Repeat with all the names in the circle)


The Quiet Song

My hands upon my head I place
On my shoulders, on my face
At my waist and by my side
And then behind me they will hide
Then I raise them way up high
And make my fingers fly fly fly
Clap clap clap and one-two-three
Let’s see how quiet we can be


Here is also a list of songs that we will sing throughout the year.

You can find them on the following YouTube channels:

Super Simple Songs

– What’s your name?
– Ants go marching one by one hurrah
– Twinkle twinkle little star
– Down by the bay
– Here is the beehive
– Open shut them
– Follow me song
– One little finger
– Apples and bananas
– Do you like broccoli
– BINGO song
– 5 little ducks went out one day
– Yes I can
– If you happy and you know it

Mother Goose Club

– The wheels on the bus go round and round and wheels on the bus colour song
– Rainbow rain bow high and bright
– Here we round the mulberry bush
– Baba baba black sheep
– Where is thumbkin
– Dinosaurs stomp
– Freight train
– 8 planets
– The planting song earth day song
– Row row your boat
– Rig a jig-jig
– Skidamarinka dinka doo
– Ring around the rosy
– This old man
– Mary had a little lamb

Hoopla Kidz

– I had a little turtle
– Old McDonald had a farm
– The Hokey pokey song
– Head shoulder knees and toes
– Incey wincey spider
– 5 little speckled frogs